Digital Art techniques can transform photographic images into artwork.
Sometimes fast moving subjects or low light conditions can leave us with less than perfect pictures. Lothlaurien Digital Art can improve many photographs using digital art filters and restoration techniques.
"Just Married"

In spite of the fact the original photo was predominantly dark and blurry, the bride simply glowed in this "action shot".
Digital Art converted the problems into strengths, allowing the bride's incandescence to shine through.
"Soccer Ninja"

Without Digital Art this dramatic image would have been relegated to the discard pile. Instead filter and colour alterations enabled it to become part of this dynamic Digital Art Collage.
"Dance into the Light"

Digital art allows us to salvage important images with low light focus problems.
"Talk Like A Pirate?"

Digital Art techniques turned this motion blurred costume shot into an extraordinary bit of Digital Art.
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Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
— Scott Adams