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Lothlaurien can provide the perfect Digital Matte or Frame.

Digital Valentine Matte Digitally matted father and son photo. Portrait of a young couple.


Digital Matte to Order Picture-in-Picture mixed with Solid Borders for this winter hot air balloon flight. Digital Matte to Order specially created image generated border from this campfire scene. Digital Garden Matte to Order

Lothlaurien Digital creates unique mattes from elements of the image.


I can matte your images in any of a variety of stock Digital Mattes & Frames.

Portrait in a Rose Digital Matte Girl with Pearls. Girl with Pearls. Girl with Pearls.
An enlarged close-up of a baby snapshot A Portrait in a Digital Matte and Frame. A mother and child kiss in a Digital Matte Frame A Digital Frame compliments this mother and child kiss. An enlarged close-up of a baby snapshot in a Crimped Snapshot Digital Matte Side by side portraits. A Digitally Framed car in front of grandma's house. Wedding Picture


Digital Basket frames a dandelion fluffball. Digital Basket frames rows of a blooming bleeding heart plant. A collie reclines in a grassy field with a  big doggy grin.
Digital Rock Frames a boy on his bike. Digital Rock Frames a child running into the surf.

Lothlaurien Digital Mattes can be altered as needed to most effectively set off your images.