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Lothlaurien Cards Logo

Whether you're in the market for a Portrait Sports Card
or if you're interested in outfitting the whole team,
Lothlaurien Graphic Art & Design Studio can do it all.

Information you may include:

° League Name ° League Logo ° League Division
° Team Name ° Team Logo ° Tournament Details °
Player Name or Nick-name ° Player Number
° Statistics ° Slogan ° Date

Lothlaurien Sports Cards can be printed as an 8" by 10", but they are designed for the 4" by 6" format, which keeps costs down when making a complete set of prints for each member of the team.

Since every Lothlaurien purchase includes the image in digital form, you're free to make as many copies as you need whenever you need them, for sponsors, grandparents, and friends.

You can use them on team websites or player blogs... it's your call.
The sky's the limit.

Full shot of ringette player, red oval matte, logo & number and nick-name


One portrait shot and one action shot along with team information 10 action photo collage bordered by team info

The PORTRAIT SPORTS CARD comprises a single posed or action shot of the player.

The SIMPLE SPORTS CARD combines one portrait and one action photo.

The COMPLEX SPORTS CARD is a collage of as many as ten action shots.

Garnish with your choice of information or statistics.


Girl poised to shoot a basketball We've added fictional team information, tweaked the shirt to simulate a uniform and laid in a professional basketball court background image

You don't actually have to be on a team to have your own sports card...

In the modern world we don't always have time to do everything we want. And sometimes busy schedules prevent kids from participating in the formal sporting world. Just because its pick-up ball doesn't mean you don't put your heart and soul into it.

Lothlaurien Sports Cards can turn your pick-up game into your dream game. Lothlaurien designed the fictional "Fearless" team for the fictional "downtown basketball league" to create an imaginary backdrop for a young B-Ball player's dreams.

Welcome to the world of virtual sport.


a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card


a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card a soccer team soccer card

Whatever your Sports Card needs, Lothlaurien can help.

NOTE ⇒ To any of the soccer players pictured here:
contact us to get a high quality digital copy of your card.