In web design it is usual to maintain as much visual consistency as possible, which helps unify the site and establish brand awareness. This good practice because visitors know at a glance where they are.
Of course I have not done that here.
For the Lothlaurien Web Site we've intentionally varied the look and style of the pages and sections to offer clients an idea of the skills and expertise Lothlaurien brings to a project. In this way, the entire web site functions as our brochure, since this Web Site has been entirely designed and created by Lothlaurien Web Graphics.
This site also integrates my Lothlaurien and PHOTOSYNTHESIS commercial pages with the pages I produce for fun.
So whether you're a friend, relative, casual visitor or potential customer, I hope you've been entertained during your visit.
And of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
The site is almost finished, but once the framework is in place the content will continue to change regularly.
So thanks for your interest in Lothlaurien. It's open 24/7, so drop back anytime.